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Please join us for our Spring Membership Meeting! Not a member? Those interested in joining or receiving more information about the Foundation are also welcome to attend!

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Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible and can be mailed to our office address or submitted via PayPal. See Ways to Give for other easy ways to support us!

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Missouri's Oldest Town

Our Mission

The Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization that was founded in 1967 with the expressed purpose of promoting preservation and restoration of historic structures and other property that illustrate Ste. Genevieve's early history and culture.  The Foundation also supports the acquisition of knowledge concerning the early settlements and its people by maintaining and sharing the area's history with the public. 

In order to accomplish our mission, the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve:


  • Maintains and presents the 1806 Jacques Guibourd Historic House, a registered NRHP Site, and provides public tours, events & services.

  • Maintains and presents the 1813 Kiel Schwent historic house as its administrative office, and the location of the Mecker Research Library on its premises, as a source of information on the history of the area.

  • Manages the restoration and upkeep of Ste. Genevieve's Memorial Cemetery.

  • Provides guidance and assistance to individuals, organizations, and governments desiring to preserve and restore Ste. Genevieve's historic structures.

  • Promotes tourism as a means to preserve Ste. Genevieve's French Colonial History.

  • Is the sponsoring organization for the annual events of the King's Ball, the Living in Ste. Genevieve House Tour, the French Heritage Festival, the Deja Vu Spirit Reunion in Memorial Cemetery, the Fall History Conference and the Holiday House Tour.

  • Maintains a Speakers Bureau presenting informative presentations on the area, its people and customs at no cost for non-profit organizations.

  • Provides educational awards to stimulate further interest in the area of historic preservation. 

Come visit Ste. Genevieve and explore its rich French Colonial history!

For more information about Ste. Genevieve attractions, lodging, and dining, go to

Preservation and Restoration

Ste. Genevieve is home to the best collection French Colonial architectural treasures 
including three of the five existing poteaux en terre (posts in the ground) buildings remaining in the United States as well as many poteaux sur solle (posts on sill) structures. In addition, the town includes early 19th century American and German vernacular buildings that show the influence of migrations into the area after the Louisiana Purchase.

As part of its mission, the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve actively sup- ports the preservation and restoration of these important buildings.

The Ste. Genevieve National Historic Landmark district was established in and recog- nizes the historic and cultural importance of the town’s buildings.

See related articles and information in Wikipedia on:



The Foundation has developed a Guide for Homeowners in the Historic District to help them understand the ordinances, standards, and available tax credits applicable to the District.  To download the guide, click the button below.







For more information on historic preservation:







Foundation for Restoration

of Ste. Genevieve

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