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Memorial Cemetery

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One of the Foundation's missions is to protect and preserve our local heritage.  Nowhere could this be of more importance than at Missouri's oldest cemetery, the Ste. Genevieve Memorial Cemetery, where many of Missouri's first pioneers are buried.

On this major restoration project, the Foundation's goal has been to clean-up and restore the grounds, repair stone walls, replace and install fencing and improve the landscaping throughout the park.  These efforts have also included the systematic cleaning, repairing, stabilizing and documentation of as many gravestones and monuments as funding allows.

With the help of grants from the National Trust for Historic Pres-ervation, the City of Ste. Genevieve, concerned citizen and student volunteers, the Foundation is very proud to present to the public a much improved and informative heritage site that is sure to spur the interest of all who see it.  Memorial Cemetery has also been designated as a bird sanctuary.

To bring further recognition to its importance, the Foundation annually hosts their Deja vu Spirit Reunion, featuring a lantern lit, live presentation by local citizenry portraying some of the prominent settlers, and ordinary folks, of early Ste. Genevieve.  The date and more information on this fun event can be found by clicking here.

Detailed information on the grave markers, genealogy and other pertinent data will be added to this website in the future.


Restoration and Preservation

Can You Help?

We're currently looking for assistance with projects - talented people, suggestions, letter writing campaigns to our governmental leaders and national organizations, and of course, funds to help keep these national treasures a welcoming site for visitors and families.

If you'd like to help in any way, please click here.

Foundation for Restoration

of Ste. Genevieve

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